When we started Depledge Strategic Wealth Management Ltd in 2014 it was very important that we became a Chartered Financial Planning firm and opened the business to the third party scrutiny that this standard demands.
The aim of the team at Depledge has never been to be a good financial planning firm but to aspire to be one of the very best. Therefore over the last seven years we have gone about ensuring that the business grows in line within the framework of the highest level accreditations that are available to financial planning businesses. We view this not as a collection of titles but as an ongoing process to incorporate and demonstrate the standards, professionalism and knowledge that are integral to the running of our business.
We are particularly proud to be the only firm in the North West and one of a tiny amount in the UK to simultaneously hold the following accreditations:
- Chartered status with the Personal Finance Society (PFS).
- Accredited status with the Chartered Investment and Securities Institute (CISI).
- The British Standard BS8577 with Standards International.
Going through the qualifications and processes that these accreditations demand has led to myself and all the team becoming better at what we do and thus benefitting all the clients that we serve’
Andrew Day LLB (hons) FPFS CFP™ Principal Financial Planning Director

Chartered Financial Planners
Depledge Strategic Wealth Management Ltd are proud to have been awarded the prestigious title of Chartered Financial Planners by the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII).
This title is only awarded to firms committed to developing and maintaining the knowledge and capability of their people to deliver the highest quality advice to their clients, and who follow the demanding Code of Ethics set by the CII.
Find out more about Our Chartered status and why you should choose a Chartered and Accredited Financial Planning firm.

CISI Accredited Financial Planning Firm
Depledge Strategic Wealth Management is delighted to be amongst the few CISI Accredited Financial Planning Firms.

BS 8577 & ISO 22222 Standards Certifications
As part of our continued drive for the best possible standards in delivering for our clients, we are BS 8577 and ISO 22222 certified.
On attaining certification the reviewer noted:
“Congratulations to the team at Depledge Strategic Wealth Management on joining the elite group of businesses in the UK who are demonstrating excellence by achieving the British Standard BS 8577. Echoing the words in their assessment report, they should all be very proud of what they have built!”
BS 8577 Reviewer

Personal Finance Society Associate Firm
As an Associate Firm we adopt the professional standards and code of ethics set by the Personal Finance Society and believe in an inclusive united culture which places clients and staff at its heart.
Our culture is guided by these eight core principles:
- Act in the best interests of clients, using a customer charter to aid transparency
- Demonstrate integrity, probity and fairness by aligning with the code of professional ethics and conduct
- Comply with the spirit as well as rules of regulation
- Comply with the spirit as well as the rules of employment law
- Invest in our people by funding a policy of ongoing training & professional development
- Operate a clear diversity & inclusion policy, for both our staff and clients
- Operate a policy of corporate social responsibility
- Adhere to transparent governance standards and processes

Cyber Essentials
Cyber Essentials represents the UK Government’s minimum baseline standard for cyber security for organisations of all sizes in the UK. The annually renewable certification scheme is aligned to five technical controls designed to prevent the most common internet-based cyber security threats.
Cyber Essentials certification demonstrates that an organisation is protecting itself by implementing the most important cyber security controls. A team of experts review the scheme at regular intervals to ensure it stays effective in the ever-evolving threat landscape.

Financial Vulnerability Charter
We are signatories to the Financial Vulnerability Charter. We’re aware of our position providing services that often involve the application of specialist and technical financial knowledge that may put our clients in a position of dependency. We take our moral duty to act in our clients’ best interests at all times very seriously.
Find out more about the Financial Vulnerability Charter and the nine statements that see the Charter in action.

SOLLA Retirement (Andrew Day)
Depledge are SOLLA Retirement Advice Standard holders. Achieving the Later Life Adviser Accreditation (LLAA) and becoming a member of the Society is an endorsement of skills and experience in working with, and understanding the needs of, older people and their families and carers. It is widely recognised as the Gold Standard in later life financial advice.

Certified Financial Planner (Andrew Day)
The CFP certification is recognised globally as the gold standard for financial planning professionals. The aim is to provide a financial planner with the necessary skills to build trust and help consumers in an increasingly complex advice world. The CFP process equips individuals with the following:
- A financial planning framework that is robust and repeatable
- Allows you to deliver a pure financial planning proposition consistently for each client
- Allows you to easily evidence decisions that will help reduce your compliance risk
- Increased client confidence that you can help them meet their life goals
- Improved relationships with clients that will ultimately lead to client referrals
The Chartered Investment and Securities Institute (CISI) confirm that ‘The highest global certification available to financial planners in the UK is the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification. The Financial Training Academy confirm that The CFP™ is the most difficult assessment you will undertake as a financial planner.
The qualification involves two elements at level 6 and level 7 within the UK Qualification Framework. A level 6 course demands a developed level of knowledge in the given subject, and upon successful completion, provides the student with either a bachelor’s degree or a diploma, certificate or award.
A level 7 qualification is designed to develop understanding and knowledge of facilities management with both practical and academic elements. It provides the skills needed to plan and develop courses of action that initiate or underpin substantial change or development and has the academic rigour of a Masters qualification.
Andrew Day embarked on this programme in 2020 and having passed the Level 6 exam in September at the first sitting, he moved onto the Level 7 case study in 2021. The feedback from the first submission illustrated to Andrew that the level of intricate detail required was of the highest level and adjustments were needed for the second submission. Andrew was delighted (and somewhat relieved) to have achieved a mark of 89% in the second submission and achieve one of his bucket list goals in financial planning to attain the revered CFP™ status in November 2021.