On 16 August, Aretha Franklin passed away, aged 76, in hospice care after battling pancreatic cancer. She didn’t leave a will. This leaves her four sons and other family members to work out her total assets and divide them amongst themselves.
Talking about your will – don’t be one of the 93%
A national saving and investment survey has shown only 7% of people have spoken to their parents about inheritance.
The topics you need to be talking about with your parents
Talking about money with your parents can be difficult. However, these conversations can also be some of the most important ones you will have with those you love.
The steps cohabiting couples should take when drawing up a will
The UK has taken steps in equality for same-sex couples. With marriage the only option for heterosexual couples do we have a new inequality?
Is the probate fee rise the ‘new inheritance tax’?
When someone dies and leaves a will, an executor is usually appointed in the will to deal with the deceased person’s estate.
The importance of having a will in place
Despite having a will in place being the accepted way to leave details about your inheritance, the number of people without one is very high.
Ten New Year’s Resolutions for your financial planning
“Sort the finances out” is a popular New Year’s Resolution, but that’s a little vague. So we look at 10 resolutions you can make and stick to.