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August 2015

July was a busy month. Greece held a referendum on austerity – with an emphatic rejection, before a bailout on the same lines as the rejection was finally agreed. The Chancellor delivered his second Budget this year whilst Chinese markets fell dramatically.

July 2015

An essential part of writing this bulletin each month is making daily notes on the main business and stock market news. This month we have comfortably broken our record – more than six pages of notes. And as you might expect, about half of those pages are about Greece and its debts.

June 2015

May saw the election of a Conservative majority Government, whilst in Europe, Greece teetered on the edge of default, Germany and France edged towards closer European ties. The Nasdaq index in the USA reached a record high. Chinese exports fell and the Japanese economy grew. There were continuing problems for Russia whilst India had remarkably good news – it has now grown at a faster rate than China in two of the last three quarters.