A recent survey has revealed the startling statistic that over 16 million people in the UK have less than £100 of savings.
Despite consistent positive savings messages, many are still struggling to save for the future
A recent report has found that a significant number of people aged 35 to 44 are still struggling to save anything for the longer term
Negative interest rates and how they might affect your finances
With interest rates being cut to 0.25% last month it looks more likely than ever that Britain could experience negative interest rates.
The EU Referendum: Britain Takes Back Control. Or Does It?
The EU Referendum sent the UK political system and economy into uncharted waters, with stock and currency markets around the globe in turmoil
Retirement Plans on Hold
A third of people aged over 50 who are employed in the private sector are putting their retirement plans on hold a recent report reveals.
A miserable turnaround in the fixed bond savings market
As far as the savings market was concerned, 2015 was the year of the challenger provider.
Grandparents: Are you at risk of running out of money?
A recent study has shown that grandparent’s are at risk of running out money in order to support future generations.
Ten New Year’s Resolutions for your financial planning
“Sort the finances out” is a popular New Year’s Resolution, but that’s a little vague. So we look at 10 resolutions you can make and stick to.
What does the New Year hold for you?
With reports suggesting most of the UK economic indicators are moving in the right direction, it doesn’t mean we can suddenly afford to ignore our personal financial planning.
Teaching your children about money in family life
Teaching your children about money establishes important fiscal skills for the future, such as budgeting and saving – even for 5-7 year olds