Incredible, isn’t it? It seems only a few week since the kids went back to school and already October half term is approaching.
4 key ways to prevent your grown-up children derailing your retirement savings
The Bank of Mum and Dad is a well-known concept and we all hate to see our children struggle financially, which is why many parents continue to support their children well into adulthood.
Are children’s pensions as good as they seem?
Pensions for children? Surely that’s taking planning ahead to a whole new level? Nonetheless, if you can afford it, putting money aside in to a pension for your children or grandchildren can be a sensible option.
3 top tips to prepare your kids for independent travel
It’s one thing to travel with your children or grandchildren and help them realise an appreciation for seeing the world. To prepare them to navigate that world on their own and to take control of their own adventures, is another thing entirely, but it’s not impossible.
Is the bank of Mum and Dad ‘feeling the pinch’?
‘The bank of Mum and Dad’ will lend enough money to the next generation of UK homeowners in 2018 to make it the equivalent of a top 10 Mortgage Lender.
Warren Buffett runs a website… for your kids!
As one of the most successful investors of all time and currently the third richest person in the world with a net worth of over $88 billion, it’s likely that you’ll know Warren Buffett’s name.
How to approach student loans with your kids
University is always going to be at least partially a financial decision both for prospective students and their parents, or whoever they rely on financially.
Are your children or grandchildren at risk from fraudulent investments?
Following a recent study, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has issued a warning that young people are most at risk from fraudulent investment schemes which are promoted through social media.
Four things to look out for in the new tax year
With a new tax year come changes to tax and benefits. But just as it’s important to know what changes are being made, it’s equally, if not more important, to actually understand how the change affect you or your business, or if it even has an impact on you at all.
One for the kids? – If they’re saving for a home, check they’re making the most of the Lifetime ISA
Saving for a home through a Help To Buy ISA or know someone who is? There is a planning opportunity which could boost your savings.