As part of your overall financial planning, one item that is worth considering is your state pension and whether you are on track to get the full amount. If not, it is possible to buy top-ups, which could boost your payout by £244 a year for life.
Depledge News
Record numbers make the most of pension freedoms
The people have spoken and they love freedom! Recent figures show withdrawals in the 2017-18 year were worth £6.7bn, the highest figure since the pension freedoms reforms were introduced in 2015.
5 top travel tips to make your holiday easier
Holidays can be expensive, that’s for sure. Getting everything organised for your trip can be quite a challenge, too. So we’ve compiled these simple tips to save you money and allow you to enjoy your time away to the full.
Four factors to be aware of with your R&D Claim
If your business is working on innovative projects within science and technology, whether your projects are successful or not, you may be able to claim research and development corporation tax relief.
What does Chartered mean and why do we use it?
You may have heard of some financial firms as being Chartered and wondered what it stands for.
3 top tips to prepare your kids for independent travel
It’s one thing to travel with your children or grandchildren and help them realise an appreciation for seeing the world. To prepare them to navigate that world on their own and to take control of their own adventures, is another thing entirely, but it’s not impossible.
Is the Apprenticeship levy working yet, or is it doomed to fail?
The Apprenticeship Levy was introduced as a method of increasing national productivity. With the aim of developing vocational skills and increasing both the quality and quantity of apprenticeships in the UK, the government committed to 3m new apprenticeship starts in England by 2020.
Small change to small fortune – how car boot sales can prove lucrative
When it comes to a robust investment plan, rooting around for hidden treasure at car boot sales can’t really be held up as particularly reliable.
Can I use equity release to pay for care?
It’s one of the scary things about growing old, isn’t it? We’re all living longer, thanks to medical science but does that mean more of us are going to end up in a care home, struggling to find the means to pay for it?
Over 60s are jumping off the property ladder. Here’s why…
In 2007, there were 254,000 older people living in private rented accomodation. If things continue the way they’re going, they estimate that over a third of those over 60 will be privately renting by 2040.