A recent study has found that around one in three people in the 18-40 age bracket not only are not saving any money for when they retire
Andrew Day
ERNIE turns 60
The first premium bond was sold on 1st November 1956, with £5 million worth of premium bonds sold on the first day alone.
Chartered Financial Planners – Advice You Can Trust
Slow start to housing market predicted for 2017
The housing market is set for a slow start in the new year due to a shortage of homes for sale, according to a survey by the RICS
Think about when to buy your euros
Among the people affected by the falling pound during 2016 have been holidaymakers, who have found their sterling doesn’t gone so far anymore.
January 2017
At the start of 2016, Brexit was seen as unlikely and President Trump was seen as impossible.
UK no longer one of top ten countries for a pension
Recent figures have revealed that the UK has fallen out of the top 10 of a list of countries with the best pension systems in the world.
Depledge named in New Model Adviser Top 100 for second year
We’re delighted to announce that Depledge Strategic Wealth Management have been named in New Model Adviser’s Top 100.
UK to lose out this Christmas in VAT
VAT avoidance could cost the UK millions this Christmas thanks to the increasing number of non-EU sellers on sites like as Amazon and eBay
Fraud losses from pension freedoms 25% higher than anticipated
Figures from London Police suggest that losses due to fraud after pension freedoms were introduced could be 25% higher than first thought.