When it comes to your financial plan you may have heard reference to asset classes, but what are they and how do they impact your finances?
Andrew Day
October 2017
With a number of rockets fired over Japan, we’re still here. Despite the best efforts of the leaders of the United States and North Korea.
£94bn lost by holding money as cash
A new report has revealed that the adult population have missed out on a staggering £94 billion over the past five years.
Retirement Options
When you approach retirement, it’s normal to start thinking about just what you’ll do with the money you saved during your working life.
Kids off to Uni? Congratulations – but have you been saving enough?
Recent figures suggest that the average debt incurred by today’s university students over the duration of their studies amounts to £51,000.
Britons with second home in Paris could face a steep council tax rise
A proposal to free up properties in Paris was approved in July and could result in major increases to council tax payments for UK residents
How to combine work/life balance, job satisfaction and retirement
Two of the biggest concerns faced by workers are those of achieving job satisfaction and a work/life balance.
VAT – the option to tax or not to tax?
When you legally have the option of paying or not paying VAT, it’s always preferable not to pay rather than claiming it back as input tax.
Great places to escape to in October half term
With the kids having only just headed back to school, it’s not too early to start thinking about what you want to do with October half term.
What can Britain learn from Germany’s recent tax scandal?
Hitting the headlines earlier this year was the German tax scandal, described as the biggest in the country’s history. But what can we learn?