A recent study has found women are generally less well prepared for retirement compared to men.
Andrew Day
New HMRC data reveals contribution businesses make to UK tax receipts
HMRC published the latest figures on personal income and taxation in the UK at the beginning of March.
Will the cold calling ban be enough to stop Pension Fraud?
You may remember the 2014 budget, where the Government announced that pensions freedoms would be introduced, to start in the 2015/16 tax year. Lauded as a great step forward, it allowed savers aged 55 and over the legal right to move their money
April 2018
Russia went to the polls last month and in the least surprising result of the year, Vladimir Putin won another six year term. The Chinese Communist Party removed rules limiting Xi Jinping to two terms in office, meaning two of the world’s three superpowers now effectively have presidents for life.
Taxes set to rise for baby boomer generation?
Recent research has suggested that those in the baby-boomer generation should be prepared to pay higher wealth taxes in order to pay for healthcare costs likely to climb steeply in the near future.
HMRC data reveals the UK’s real gender pay gap
The figures released at the beginning of March by HMRC about the nation’s income and taxation during 2015/16, revealed some fascinating insights into the UK’s finances.
Talking about your will – don’t be one of the 93%
A national saving and investment survey has shown only 7% of people have spoken to their parents about inheritance.
March 2018
Did anything happen to make the world smile in February? Absolutely – unless you were waiting in the queue at Kentucky Fried Chicken where, sadly, the bargain bucket was replaced by the empty bucket.
Highlights from the Lonely Planet ‘Best in Travel 2018’ – ready to rewrite your bucket list?
We all have bucket lists of one form or another and high up on a lot of people’s lists are various travel experiences.
Death Benefit Rules for Investment Based Pensions
The flexibility and the tax charges that apply to benefits paid on the death of a pension scheme member changed with effect from 6 April 2015