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Your Q3 2019 market commentary


Even by recent standards, the third quarter of 2019 was unpredictable and volatile. Brexit continues to dominate the headlines in both the UK and in Europe, and the election of a new prime minister appears to have increased the chances of a disorderly exit from the European Union. In your Q3 2019 market commentary, we […]

Would your savings survive a 100-year life?


Would your retirement savings survive a 100-year life? Statistics show that almost one in five women aged 25 today will live until the age of 100. A 25-year-old man has a 14% chance of living to the same old age. And, the Office for National Statistics estimates that a woman already aged 65 has a […]

7 ways to prepare for a bear market


Last month, the US economy entered the tenth year of the current period of economic growth. It’s now the second-longest period of expansion in history and so the question is, of course, ‘how long can it last?’ The end of the current bull market doesn’t appear imminent and could continue for months or even years. […]

Why retirees are having to return to work


Statistics show that the number of older people working is on the rise. According to the Office for National Statistics, the proportion of 50 to 64-year-olds in work in the UK has climbed from 60% in 2000 to more than 70% now. And, the number of people working beyond 65 has doubled to about 10%. […]

Your quarterly market review


Trade wars, the continued Brexit debate and strong share prices have been the headlines over the last few weeks. In your quarterly update, we look back at the major economic stories of the past three months and review the latest market data. UK Despite the continued uncertainty surrounding the UK’s exit from the European Union, […]

Why you should keep control of your pension drawdown


One of the main advantages of Pensions Freedoms is that drawdown allows you to take control of how much income you take, and when you take it. For example, you might decide that you don’t need to take an income immediately, preferring to leave your fund invested until you need to start making withdrawals. While […]