Since the Old Age Pension was introduced more than a century ago, it has provided a valuable income to millions of retirees. While just half a million people claimed their pension in 1908, by February 2019 this number had increased to 13 million. While changes have been made to the State Pension over the last […]
Andrew Day
How to manage drawdown during the pandemic
In recent months there has been significant volatility in global stock markets. Nowhere is this better illustrated than the Dow Jones which experienced its biggest one-day fall since 1987 on 12th March, and its biggest one-week rise since 1974 in the few days before Easter. Watching stock market turmoil can be stressful, especially if you […]
5 ways the Chancellor might raise money to fund the coronavirus crisis, and what it means for you
In recent months, there has barely been a part of the UK economy not hit by the coronavirus pandemic. With more than eight million staff furloughed and millions more freelance and self-employed workers struggling to generate an income, the government has resorted to a range of unprecedented measures to support the economy. In addition to […]
Your guide to the new tax year and the allowances and exemptions you can use
Over recent weeks, the news headlines have been dominated by one story. The health, economic and societal impact of the coronavirus pandemic have filled newspapers and news bulletins for a couple of months, and normal life has taken a back seat as we navigate the new normal. During these unprecedented times, it’s easy to have […]
Why it’s ‘time in the markets not timing the markets’ that matters
If you’re an investor, you may have come across the phrase “time in the markets, not timing the markets.” What this means is that it is often more beneficial to stay invested for many years, rather than worrying about whether now is the best time to invest or to withdraw from the market. To help […]
Your 10-point lockdown financial checklist
Over the last few weeks, you may have found yourself with more time to tackle those little admin jobs that you have been putting off for months. To help you, we’ve put together this handy ten-point financial checklist of things you should consider doing. From finally sorting your will to applying for government coronavirus support, […]
Why loss aversion could be clouding your investment judgement right now
In uncertain periods, it’s very easy for emotions to take over decisions. This is certainly true if we consider the recent stock market uncertainty caused as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Sharp falls in the market are worrying for any investor, and fear can be a powerful emotion. However, when your investing decisions are […]
Bull and bear markets explained
If you’re an investor, you’ve probably come across the phrases ‘bull markets’ and ‘bear markets’. Indeed, over the last 12 months or so you may have seen both terms used to describe global stock markets! But what are bull and bear markets? Why do they occur? And should we be worried about the current bear […]
Demand and supply, the coronavirus and the economy – what the crisis means
The last few weeks have seen an unprecedented change in the way the UK economy works. Supply of many goods and services has essentially dried up as workers stay at home and businesses furlough staff. Demand has also fallen off a cliff for all but the basic essentials. This combination of issues and the fact […]
What the Base rate cut means for you
On 10th March, the Bank of England unanimously decided to reduce interest rates to bolster the economy amid the coronavirus outbreak. The Monetary Policy Committee made the emergency decision to cut the Base rate from 0.75% to 0.25% to ‘manage through an economic shock’. So, what does the Base rate cut mean for your finances? […]