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Your Q4 2020 investment update


14th January 2021 It’s fair to say that 2020 was a tumultuous year for investors. The coronavirus pandemic affected almost all aspects of the economy, and global share prices were hit as businesses were forced to scale back operations and, in many instances, close. Despite this, the news of effective vaccines meant that Q4 saw […]

3 easy ways to get your pensions in order in 2021


14th January 2021 These days, it’s unlikely that your retirement income will simply come from a combination of one Final Salary pension and the State Pension. As workers increasingly change jobs and careers throughout their lifetimes, income in later life will probably come from a range of sources. You may enter retirement with multiple smaller […]

Inheritance Tax and gifting guide


8th December 2020 If your estate could be liable for Inheritance Tax (IHT), gifting is one solution for passing on wealth while reducing the bill that could be appropriate for you. Our latest guide explains the basics of IHT and what you need to consider if you want to make gifting part of your long-term […]

Your 2020 Spending Review summary


25 November 2020 Chancellor Rishi Sunak has unveiled the government’s spending plans for the coming year in his Spending Review given on Wednesday 25 November. A Spending Review sets out how the government plans to spend money and what each department will receive. It covers a range of areas, like health, policing, and education. It […]

Why you need to take notice of the Lifetime Allowance


November 23, 2020 There’s no actual limit on the total pension fund you can save for your retirement. However, the Lifetime Allowance (LTA) is the effective maximum you can save without triggering any tax charges. The Labour government introduced the LTA in 2006/07. Less than a decade ago it stood at £1.8 million but, since […]

10 lessons Warren Buffett can teach you about investing


November 23, 2020 Warren Buffett is an American investing icon. The CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett has a net worth of US$78.9 billion as of August 2020, making him the world’s seventh-wealthiest person. Over the years, Buffett has lived by a certain set of values that he uses to invest. His approach to investing can […]

Guide to ESG investing


Taking ESG (environmental, social and governance) factors into consideration is a growing trend among investors. But what does it mean and why would you look at these areas when making investment decisions? Our latest guide explains the basics of ESG investing. According to the Investment Association, 26% of all UK assets use ESG factors in […]